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  • bryonybest2


It is the start of February now, how fast the weeks fly by. I wanted to update you all on my next book - as some of you know I was in a horrific car accident, this has set me back a great deal. My next book should be finished within the next week or so, I am very excited for this. The process of self-publishing is basically a never ending world of marketing, with no guarantee of return. With this in mind the decision has been made, I will aim to publish this next book traditionally. This process might delay the book release, but carries other benefits that outweigh any time lost. I am very grateful to my friends and family that have supported me on my journey, transitioning from writer, to published author. However that support is lacking and the reality is - 2-5 hours per day of marketing. On top of a full time job, an evening second job and my writing. I look forward to my next book, a journey with me on my path to spiritual development. I decided to write this prequel because it was requested, many readers asked for more information on my experiences with spirits. Watch this space !

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